While on staff with National Geographic, I had the unique opportunity to work with the recently deceased underwater legend, Bob Cranston. Our team went on more than a dozen shoots together across the globe, filming everything from the Red Devils (Humboldt Squid) to Giant Pacific Octopus, Grey Whales to Great White Sharks. It was Bob who recommended me for my first Shark Week job, and sharks are still one of my favorite animals to film. Thank you Bob for everything you've taught me. You are a legend.
Discovery Shark Week
AKM: Director, Underwater Cameraman, Writer,
Drone Pilot
Great Migrations
National Geographic Mini-series Event
Narrated by Alec Baldwin
EMMY Award for Outstanding Cinematography 2011
AKM: Cinematographer
The Great White Shark Song
An ABC4 and AKM1 Production
Starring Andy Brandy Casagrande IV
AKM: Producer, Director of Photography, Editor